10 Journal Prompts That Will Inspire & Make You Happy

Happiness is a wonderful feeling.

And that feeling can be roused more easily thanks to the new season.

Spring is called the most inspiring season. And I can see why, especially since it takes place after a cold and “dreary” one.

The snow will slowly melt away as temperatures increase. The buds will grow from the ground and eventually bloom into beautiful flowers. All the remnants of winter will wash away and we’ll once again be greeted by the warmth and light that is spring.

With this season comes a new beginning.

Entering a season with these wonderful qualities can both inspire and create more happiness, and journaling is a helpful way to experience those. So, I’m going to share 10 prompts that will help you do so.

Grab a journal and a pen, or a computer, and let’s get started!


  1. What’s something that makes you feel happy and inspired?
  2. What’s something that’s great about your life right now?
  3. What’s one thing you’re great at?
  4. What’s one of your favorite things to do?
  5. Write down 10 things that make you smile.
  6. Describe your happy place.
  7. Think and describe a moment where you felt proud of yourself.
  8. What’s one thing you’re grateful for?
  9. Finish this: I’m happiest when…
  10. What’s something you can do everyday to create more happiness in your life?

Of course, you don’t have to address all of these in one sitting. You can write about any of these whenever you’d like. Just do what works best for you.

I hope these prompts help inspire and make you happy!


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