11 Journal Prompts That Can Help Manifest Inner Peace

Journaling is a healthy outlet that gives you the opportunity to express yourself freely.

It can have both short and long-term positive effects on your overall well-being.

If you don’t journal but are considering it, check out my article on the life-changing reasons why you should start doing so right here.

Inner peace is a state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors.

It’s what’s often sought for in everyday life, especially in moments of chaos.

Journaling is a great way to control your emotions, improve your mood, and manifest that wonderful world of inner peace.

Here are some prompts that can help you reach that state:


1. One good thing about today is…

2. At this moment, what am I in control of?

3. What can I do to add positivity to my life today?

4. What are 3 things I’m happy about right now?

5. What can I do to simplify my life today?

6. What are 3 small, but joyful things I can do today?

7. One thing I’ve dreamed of doing, but have never done, is…

8. Pick a word like ‘peace’ or ‘calm’ and write about it.

9. How can I improve self-talk?

10. I feel most peaceful when…

11. How can I care for myself?

I hope these prompts help you manifest the inner peace you’re looking for.


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