Posted on December 31, 2022 by Kendra White

With a new year comes a fresh start.
Here are 15 quotes to bring in 2023!
Quotes For 2023
- “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey.
- “Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.” – Francis Bacon Sr.
- “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.” – Henry David Thoreau.
- “Some people feel confusion and uncertainty and do nothing. Don’t do nothing.” – Alex Dimitrov.
- “I’m deciding to be my own individual self, and it looks nothing like what anyone else is doing. There’s something so powerful about being unique.” – Alicia Keys.
- “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
- “You don’t have to be perfect to help people. All you have to be is real.” – Trent Shelton.
- “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice.” – T.S. Eliot.
- “Don’t wait your turn. Bet on yourself and have the confidence to stand up and say, ‘My time is now.’” – Robert F. Smith.
- “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.” – Mandy Hale.
- “As we grow older and wiser, we begin to realize what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes there are things in our lives that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes the changes we don’t want are the changes we need to grow. And sometimes walking away is a step forward.” – Unknown.
- “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot.
- “It is your right to choose what you do and don’t do, to choose what you believe in and don’t believe in. It is your right to curate your life and your own perspective.” – Lady Gaga.
- “This year, be structured enough for success and achievement and flexible enough for creativity and fun.” – Taylor Duvall.
- “New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” – Alex Morritt.
Happy New Year! And make 2023 a great one.
Kendra White
Hello, I'm Kendra! I'm a lifestyle blogger and creative entrepreneur from Indiana. I blog about inspiration, motivation, and personal growth to help you live your best life!
December 31, 2022 at 5:37 PM#5 is my fave !