3 Simple Ways To Greatly Improve Your Self-Talk

We all have voices.

A physical one, and also a mental one.

Everybody has that particular voice in their head that makes them feel awful. Every now and then, it speaks up with the sole purpose to ruin our day and damage self-esteem.

It tends to speak up after something ‘bad’ happens. You made a mistake, caused a little accident, or failed to do something correctly. Whatever happened, the voice will arrive to completely ruin your mood.

It constantly torments us with negativity, relentless in its desire to attack with verbal jabs. And when we try to push it away, it comes back full force to continue taunting.

Now, here’s the thing: everything that voice says isn’t true. Sure, it may be brutally honest about a few things, but for the most part it’s lying. And no matter what, it’ll say anything just to get you down.

Even though it’s hard to “defeat” that voice, there are ways to counter it. And I’m going to share some ways to do so in this article.

Here are 3 simple ways to greatly improve your self-talk!

1.) Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to improve self-talk. They can help you think about your qualities, abilities, and all the good things about yourself.

Research some affirmations and keep note of your favorite ones. Start your days off by reading them or reciting them in front of the mirror. You can even write them on sticky notes and put them on surfaces like your wall, desk, and counter. These can help fill your mind with positive words and build your self-esteem.

2.) Think about the “traps”

Think about the times where the voice speaks. Does it happen when you’re at a certain place? When you’re around certain people? When you’re doing a particular thing?

If you can identify the times where you hear it, that gives you the opportunity to mentally prepare for those exact moments again. And while you can’t control what happens around you, you can control how you react to them.

3.) Check yourself

Stop and evaluate what the voice is saying. If you feel it’s becoming negative, redirect it with positivity. Also, think about how you can possibly prevent it from turning negative from the start (or better yet, stop it before it even begins).

It’ll take time to train your mind and improve your self-talk. But if you keep using these methods, that voice may eventually only have good things to say. Remember; you control your mind, so don’t let it control you.

How are you going to improve your self-talk? Share in the comments below!


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