4 Good Reasons To Have a Self-Date Right Now

Have you ever gone on a “date” with yourself?

Every now and then, life becomes so unbearable to the point where we all need to just solely focus on ourselves for a period of time. And one effective way we can do that is with a self-date.

A self-date is when you do an activity you like by yourself. It can be spending an afternoon in the park enjoying nature, or snuggled up at home reading a book. It‘s just doing something you like to do on your own time.

With a self-date, you can come one with yourself, focus on rejuvenation, and improve your overall well-being. And even though the thought of “dating yourself” is weird to some, it can actually be one of the best ways to feel whole again.

People have self-dates for many different reasons. However, in this post, I‘m going to talk about 4 good reasons to have one right now. And if you‘re someone who thinks it’s weird, I hope you’ll reconsider it when you finish reading.

With that said, here are 4 good reasons to have a self-date right now!

1.) Spend time to focus on you

A self-date can give you the opportunity to really focus on yourself. There‘s you, an activity you enjoy doing, and the time you give yourself to do it. And however you spend it is up to you. Whether it‘s improving your well-being, treating yourself, or relieving your mind of major stressors at the moment. Whatever you do, remember what you want to accomplish so you can spend your time wisely.

2.) Do what you enjoy alone

Doing something you enjoy alone can fulfill you in many ways. You can concentrate on your person, hone in on your emotions, and feel one with yourself. If you allow somebody else to join in on your self-date, they could be distracting in more ways than one. But if you‘re alone, you won’t have to deal with others’ opinions about your personal quality time. You only need to focus on you.

3.) Talk to yourself

On a self-date, you can talk to the person who will always be there for you above everyone else: you. And it may seem weird, but talking to yourself can actually be very beneficial.

There are so many things you can talk about. From positive affirmations, plans you have for the future, goals you’ll want to achieve, the list goes on. You can talk about anything you want. You are the one who’ll be there for you in the long run, and talking to yourself can help and benefit you in many more ways than one.

4.) Care for yourself

A self-date gives you a great opportunity to care for your overall well-being. You can use the time to assess how you feel at the moment. Are you happy in life right now? Have you been upset for a long time and want to be in a better mood? However you feel, take whatever self-care steps you need to do to achieve that overall feeling of positivity and happiness.

I hope these points motivated you to have a self-date. If you feel like this is something you need, try it and see how it goes!

How are you going to spend your self-date? Share in the comments below!



  1. GloDean

    August 23, 2019 at 1:46 AM

    I am always everything to everyone so I took your great advise and self-dated because I was long overdue for me-time. I enjoy watching planes especially at night; the roaring sound and flickering lights for me is relaxation at its finest. On a recent cool light breezy evening, I locked my bedroom door with a “Do Not Disturb” signage, repositioned my bed with a great open-window view, while sipping on a glass of relaxing wine…The experience was surreal! My self date was equivalent to a jet spa bath!!!

    1. Kendra White

      August 23, 2019 at 9:56 AM

      That sounds very relaxing! I’m glad you were able to have quality ‘you’ time!

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