4 Simple, But Powerful Ways To Stop Caring About What People Think

Do you care about what people think? 

Chances are, you do. (In fact, we all do at one point or another).

Here are 4 ways you can stop:

1.) Focus on what matters

There are 24 hours in a day. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, you have important things to do. None of that precious time should be spent worrying about the meaningless opinions of others. Instead, you should only focus on the things that actually matter, and what people think about you doesn’t fit into that category.

2.) Don’t please

If you’re a people pleaser, then you may try to act in a way that’ll get people to like you. But what you need to realize is that no matter how hard you try, people are always going to find some sort of fault in you. Your efforts will never be enough for them. Honestly, this is a waste of energy and you’re better off doing something more valuable with your time.

3.) Know their opinions are just opinions

People have opinions, and opinions can be wrong. Just because someone has a certain view of you doesn’t mean it’s right. The opinion is just rooted in belief, not by fact. You know the true you and if people want to stay ignorant to reality, then that’s their problem.

4.) Realize that no one really cares

99.9% of the time, people aren’t even thinking about you. Everyone is focusing on things they’ve got going on in their own lives. They’re too busy thinking about themselves to even spare you a thought. So the next time you think someone is thinking about you, think again.

Now in some circumstances, it does matter what people think, like your boss for example. But for the majority of the time, it doesn’t.

At the end of the day, all that matters is how you feel about yourself.


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