The average person wants to fit in and be “accepted” by others.
In society, there are crowds that share common interests. And if people don’t fit into those crowds, they may be judged in a negative way.
This makes some people change how they are just to blend in with the crowd. Since they’re perceived different, they’ll do whatever it takes to try and be accepted by everybody else.
Some people even take it a step further and try to “Keep up with the Joneses”, meaning they’ll attempt to have and do things that everybody else is doing. If a new expensive phone comes out and everybody gets it, somebody will purchase that same phone just to “keep up”. And if they don’t keep up with everybody, they’ll most likely feel inferior to them.
Now, it’s okay if somebody already has the same interests with a crowd. But it’s a problem if they change their interests just to fit in. There are many issues with that, but the main one is that they’re not being true to themselves.
And people tend to focus too much on the positives that come with following the crowd without realizing the negatives. However, there are positives to not fitting in and standing out that are often overlooked by many.
So in this article, I’m going to share 5 empowering reasons to stand out from the crowd!
1.) Freedom
You have the freedom to do whatever you want. Instead of succumbing to the groupthink mentality often present in crowds, you are free to act on your own interests. You can do what you really enjoy instead of wasting time on things you don’t care about.
2.) Connection
You can connect with people who share similar interests. If you’re in the crowd, it may be difficult to have real friendships with others. But on the outside, you have a better chance of establishing a genuine friendship with people who have the same interests as you.
3.) Creativity
You can step outside the box and be creative. Learning and discovering more about yourself will be difficult if you’re trying to be like everybody else. You’ll be able to explore more things that interest you. And you have the opportunity to be more original, which beats being a ‘copy’ any day.
4.) Strength
You’ll become stronger for sticking to your values. Don’t let what other people think affect you. Don’t try to please others or worry about their opinions of you. People are going to judge you no matter what you do, so just live in your truth. Be strong and live for yourself while others struggle to fit in.
5.) Your true self
You can be yourself. Nobody wants to act like somebody they’re not. You don’t want to be a ‘copy’ of someone else because that’s not who you really are. You need to be your true self. It’s the best way to live and you’ll be a lot happier with your life.
There are so many benefits to standing out from the crowd. And sure, people may look at you differently. But so what? You only need to live for yourself, not for the acceptance of others. So don’t follow the crowd, follow your own path instead.
Kendra White
Hello, I'm Kendra! I'm a lifestyle blogger and creative entrepreneur from Indiana. I blog about inspiration, motivation, and personal growth to help you live your best life!