5 Life-Changing Reasons To Start A Journal

Journaling is wonderful.

It gives you the opportunity to express yourself freely. Whether you’re happy, upset, or anything in between, you can release whatever’s on your mind through this healthy outlet. You just let your thoughts wander and with pen in hand, write everything down onto the pages.

And a huge plus to journaling is that it’s just you. There’s nobody there downplaying your problems or making fun of your feelings. It’s only you and a book. And whatever you tell that book, it’ll listen to everything you have to say without any judgement.

Ever since I was little, I would constantly journal many things and still do to this day. I still have all my journals I’ve written over the years which will be cherished forever. Journaling has always been there for me, and it’s something I’ll always love.

No matter the age or place in life, journaling is something everyone can benefit from. If you have nobody to talk to, then writing everything down is a great way to cope. You’ll be sharing your thoughts with something, and that’s better than keeping them on your mind 24/7.

So in this article, I’m going to share 5 life-changing reasons to start a journal!

1.) Clears the mind

Journaling gives you the opportunity to mind dump everything that’s going on in your head. If you’re mentally going through a lot, writing is a great release to help calm the storm. It’s not good to have those intense thoughts and emotions (especially negative ones) cloud your mind, so relieve yourself and clear it by recording everything down.

2.) Calms and reduces stress

Journaling can help alleviate intense feelings. The longer you write, the more you release them through your words and eventually, you’ll begin to feel a lot calmer as you continue. And once you’re finished, you’ll feel a lot better. Writing is just that powerful.

3.) Figure things out

Journaling can help figure out your thoughts, emotions, and more. And the beauty is that you can use as much time you need to truly process everything in the moment. You don’t have to rush and conclude what you’re experiencing right away. It’s just you, your thoughts, and all the time you need.

4.) Improves mood

Journaling can help improve your mood. There have been times where I was very upset and wrote for hours on end. By the time I finished, my mood improved and I felt much better. It’s similar to how there’s a terrible storm at night, and beautiful sunshine the next morning. When you finish writing, you experience a sense of tranquility once you’ve gotten everything out of your system.

5.) Improves well-being

Journaling can help improve your well-being. It’s an effective way to cope with stressors that are affecting your health. And as you continue to write while including other healthy outlets, you will eventually feel an improvement overall.

In conclusion, journaling is a wonderful outlet that can help improve your health. And it doesn’t take much to get started, you can use; pen and paper, a document, or even a notes app. However you decide to do it, you’ll be helping yourself in many more ways than one.

So, I suggest you get started write now.



  1. Anonymous

    October 25, 2020 at 9:12 PM

    GREAT blog…thanks for the insight…creative closing pun…looking forward to more encouraging helpful words from you!

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