6 Helpful Ways to Make More Time for Yourself

“I don’t have time.”

“There’s not enough hours in the day.”

“I wish there was more time.”

Chances are you say phrases like these throughout the day.

Time is essential. We all use it for various things to be productive throughout the day. It can be a double-edged sword: positive when there’s a lot of it, and negative and when there’s not much left.

Now and then, we all struggle with using it wisely. We tend to lose track of it, and it becomes more difficult to complete tasks, especially when there are a lot of things to do. And it can become so overwhelming to the point where our productivity just flies out the window.

This is where time management comes in. It’s a very useful skill to have because it can help make your life easier. Whether you’re doing tasks on the job, working on a project, or running errands, it’s important to manage your time wisely.

If you’re running short on time, there are ways to “make” more. And I’m going to share 6 helpful ways you can do it!

1.) Organize

Organizing is a great way to make more time. If your workspace is messy and cluttered with junk, then you’ll be less likely to get anything done. One look at everything and you’ll immediately want to do something else. Organize your workspace and essential items you use, and get rid of unnecessary things taking up space so you can have a clean environment to work in. The next time you’re ready to work, you’ll have a better chance of being more productive.

2.) To-Do List

Use to-do lists. They’re useful for planning out your day and keeping you on track with important things you need to do. You can arrange them however you need to make sure you’ll accomplish everything in a day.

3.) Schedule

Scheduling is very helpful, especially if you have a lot going on. If you go into a busy week without making a schedule, you’ll feel overwhelmed with everything you have to do. On Sunday evening, plan out your week starting with the most important tasks to the least.

4.) Ignore Interruptions

Social media, texts, emails, and more are all interruptions we check every time we’re notified about them. Once we receive something, we’ll stop whatever we’re doing to see what it is. And when we do this, we’ll most likely check other things and end up wasting a lot of time on the phone. If your phone is a distraction, silence it or put it away somewhere when it’s time to work.

5.) Avoid Distractions

TV, video games, social media, and more are all distractions when it’s work time. A way to avoid them when you need to be productive is to limit your time on them. For example, spend about 30 minutes on social media before you work. On break, you can watch some TV. That way, you can have a balance for both work and leisure.

6.) Find More Time

Find more time in the 24 hours you have. You must put in more effort and take extra steps to make more time. If you wake up an hour earlier, you’ll add 1 more hour to your day. And remember to use the extra time wisely.

Time management can help make your life easier, and there are so many ways to “make” more time for yourself. If you use some, or even just one of these methods, then you will have a very productive week and get more things done!

What do you do to make more time for yourself? Share in the comments below!


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