
By viewing and/or using Kenuine.com and any content made by Kenuine including but not limited to blog posts, emails, and/or social media, you agree to this Disclaimer, whether you read it or not.

Informational Purposes Only

The purpose of this blog is to inform. This blog is not provided as professional advice or guidance. I assume no liability for your personal activities in connection with this blog.

Hold Harmless Clause

The information presented on this blog is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as any kind of advice. If you rely on any information on my blog, it’s at your own risk.

Not a Professional

Health information and guidance will be presented on this blog. I am not a medical professional, and I do not present myself as one. Kenuine.com is not liable for any of the following: physical harm, mental harm, emotional harm, or lack of improvement in health and/or wellness. If you rely on the health information presented on this blog, it’s at your own risk.

Financial information and guidance will be presented on this blog. I am not a financial professional, and I do not present myself as one. Kenuine.com is not liable for any of the following: financial loss, financial damage, or lack of financial gain incurred in activities with this blog. If you rely on the financial information presented on this blog, it’s at your own risk.N

No Guarantees

My goal is to inspire, motivate, and help you pursue your dream goals in life. And, to help your personal development and improve your overall well-being. However, I cannot guarantee any certain results. I encourage you to use the informational resources provided by the blog to take action, but you agree there is no guarantee of your preferred results.