How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others & Accept Who You Are

You see someone that appears to be doing well in their life. They’re happy, accomplished, and share that their next opportunity is right around the corner.

Suddenly, you think about the things you’ve done and how they “pale” in comparison to what that person has done. You diminish your accomplishments and feel inferior because apparently, what you’ve done isn’t good enough. And ultimately, you end up feeling bad about yourself.

That’s the cruelty of comparing.

At one point or another, we’ve all compared ourselves to somebody. And with how technology is today, it’s so easy to see how others are doing in their lives. One scroll down the timeline and you’ll see so-and-so just got a new car, and so-and-so is boarding a flight for a vacation somewhere overseas.

There are obvious reasons why we shouldn’t compare. It damages self-esteem, causes negative self-talk, and delays the progress on achieving goals to name a few. And even though it’s bad, we still can’t help but do it anyway.

So in this article, I’m going to share how to stop comparing yourself to others and accept who you are!

1.) Focus on your life

Focus on what you’ve got going on in your life. Metaphorically, if you pay more attention to someone taking care of their grass, then your grass will become withered from neglect. Instead, take care of your own grass so it can flourish into the beautiful yard it’s meant to be.

2.) Take a break from social media

If you find yourself always comparing when you go on social media, then take a break. Abstain from using it on certain days and spend time doing something you enjoy. You’ll be happier not seeing what others are doing that make you feel “inferior”.

Something to keep in mind is that when it comes to social media, a lot of people mainly post their successes. Certain things may be going on “behind the scenes”, but they’ll only post the good stuff. So if someone’s life seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

3.) Be inspired

Don’t compare, but be inspired. When you see someone’s accomplishments, use that as an opportunity to be inspired by them. Be happy that they’ve achieved their goals, and this can be motivation for you to achieve yours.

4.) You’re not perfect

Nobody is perfect. And no matter what, there’s always going to be somebody smarter, more attractive, and richer. So instead of trying to be better than others, embrace how you are right now. Love and accept the qualities and flaws that make you who you are.

5.) Accept where you are right now

If you’re in a good place right now, then accept it. Don’t dislike it because someone else seems to be in a “better” spot than you. You are where you are because of everything you’ve done so far, and it’s insulting (to yourself) to diminish the magnitude of it.

Now of course, if you’re not completely satisfied with your situation, then you can change it. So take those steps to get to where you actually want to be in life.

6.) Be grateful

Appreciate the things you have. So what if you don’t have the phone they have, at least you still have a phone. So what if you don’t have the car they have, at least you still have a car. You may not have the newest version, but at least you still have that something. 

And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to upgrade to something new. It’s just that in the meantime, be grateful for what you do have.

7.) Be your own support

We all have that inner voice that puts us down from time to time. And the more we listen to it, the more we start to believe it.

Become your best support. Be your biggest cheerleader and fill your mind with good things about yourself. Turn those untrue, negative thoughts into uplifting, positive ones. And don’t think about anybody else but yourself.

8.) It’s not the end of your story

Where you are right now isn’t where you’ll be forever. It’s only a part of your journey. And if you want to change it, you can!

I came across a quote one day, and it goes like this: “I have the power to create the life I desire.” I like this quote because it’s true and inspirational. You can turn your life into whatever you want it to be as long as you put in the work and effort to do so.

9.) Compare yourself to you

If you’re going to compare yourself to anybody, do it to yourself. You’re the only person you need to compare yourself with.

You grow throughout the days, weeks, months, and so on. During that time, you learn and develop more as a person. When you compare yourself now with then, you’ll acknowledge the progress you’ve made. And that, in itself, is an achievement! So if you’re ever going to compare to someone, do it with yourself only.

It’s easier said than done to stop comparing yourself to others, but it’s definitely doable. Focus on your life, accept your qualities and flaws, and only compare yourself to you!


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